SEJ's 34th Annual Conference • #SEJ2025 | Arizona | April 23-26 • Contact

Society of Environmental Journalists Code of Conduct for Live Events

The Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) serves as a convenor for thought-provoking conversations that strengthen and support environmental journalism. At our events we bring together our journalist members with the public to discuss key issues and learn from one another. We employ a rigorous and independent editorial process in developing our programs.

With that in mind, we strive to bring in voices from a diversity of perspectives and provide a safe space for those who attend our live events. This Code of Conduct is to establish a baseline of expectations for everyone at an SEJ event, and detail consequences for those who choose not to uphold those expectations.

Expected behavior

  • Please be respectful and considerate of your fellow attendees, speakers, vendors and SEJ staff.
  • As an organization that upholds journalistic values, SEJ acts as a convener for many different perspectives. If you hear statements that do not align with your view, please do not voice your displeasure by interrupting the program.
  • While at an SEJ event or related social events, any participants, including speakers, attendees, staff and anyone else, should not engage in inappropriate behavior, including harassment, in any form. See SEJ’s anti-harassment policy, which defines harassment covered by this code, for more detail.
  • All bags, briefcases, book bags or items similar in nature may be searched as patrons enter the event for security purposes. SEJ reserves the right to refuse entry to any attendee who is visibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or is attempting to enter with any kind of weapons or potentially disruptive items (e.g., poster boards, noise-making or voice-amplifying devices, etc.).
  • The event registration desk will always be monitored by an SEJ staffer. If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report your concern to an SEJ staff member as quickly as possible.

For violations of this code

Any attendee, speaker, vendor, or staff member who disrupts the program in SEJ’s sole judgment, may face any or all of these consequences:

  • You may be warned to cease any inappropriate behavior; any further reports will result in other sanctions.
  • You may be told to immediately leave the event and not return.
  • You may be banned from future events (either indefinitely or for a certain period).
  • You may face action involving security or law enforcement.